An authentic real-world learning program

Inspired by efficiency, our program is an experience designed to deliver tangible progress for every minute spend on learning.

Transforming yourself means doing 3 things well

1. Developing self-awareness and taking control of who you are authentically 
2. Building your capacity and deploying sustainable practices 
3. Assessing the impact of your choices and optimising your next steps 

3 Phases of The LEAP Journey® 

Phase 1: Self-Discovery

Break free from your idealistic self to discover your real self and gain clarity about your future self

Phase 2: Self-Cultivation

Learn to think differently and build your unique capacity to take leaps towards your future self

Phase 3: Self-Innovation

Take smart leaps and use your learning experiences on the way to becoming your future self

Making learning a way of life 

Outthinking, outlearning and out-creating our former selves cannot happen in a traditional classroom setting. It demands adaptability, patience, and a willingness to learn, and to use what is learned in the moment. Most of all, it requires us to take full responsibility for what we learn and how we learn and to make it an inevitable part of life.

A structured process for promoting unstructured learning

The LEAP Journey® is a program individuals (and coaches/learning facilitators alike) use with remarkable results. It is a cyclical process in which learning becomes a completely non-linear process of exploration, discovery, and critical thinking. Unstructured learning is guided and supported with structured learning elements in the right way at the right time, e.g. in the form of templates, guided questions, scaffolded skills, and the like. There are no formal assessments and no pass requirements. We give you exactly what you need; which is a space to discover, grow and transform.

A real-world learning approach

When engaged in real-world learning, you tackle tricky, complex problems that do not always have clear answers. If the solution can be found in the back of a book, or the answer is A, B, C, or D, then chances are it’s not real-world learning. The LEAP Journey® is strongly influenced by the 70-20-10 Model for Learning and Development whereby you obtain only 10 percent of your learning from formal educational practices, and 20 percent from interactions with others, while 70 percent of your learning comes from the challenges, opportunities and successes/failures that you will experience on the journey.

Learning by EXPERIENCE (70%)

Hands-on experience is the most beneficial form of learning on The LEAP Journey® because it will enable you to discover and refine your self-innovation skills, make decisions, address challenges and interact with people such as your redesign team and coach who are walking with you on your journey. You also learn from your mistakes and receive immediate feedback while experimenting with leap ideas. Examples of this kind of learning: 
- Challenging activities 
- Creative problem-solving tasks 
- Experimenting with ideas 
- Workshops 
- Reflection-in-action 

Learning by EXPOSURE (20%)

LEAP Thinkers® learn from others through a variety of activities that include social learning, coaching, mentoring and collaborative learning. Encouragement and feedback are prime benefits of this valuable learning approach. Examples include: 
- Having a thought partner (coach) 
- Having a design community 
- Giving and receiving feedback as part of a LEAP Team 
- Learning in networks 
- Reflection-on-action

Learning by EDUCATION (10%)

Only a small percentage of your learning and development on The LEAP Journey® comes from formal traditional courseware instruction and other educational events. Interventions on The LEAP Journey® include: 
- E-learning (online courses) 
- Webinars 
- Masterclasses

From learning to real transformation

The LEAP Journey® is not just about learning new things (adding things to the ‘container’ of the mind), it’s about personal transformation, i.e. changing the way we know and understand the world (changing the actual form of our ‘container’). Transformative learning enables us to develop and use critical self-reflection to consider our beliefs and experiences, and over time, change the dysfunctional ways we perceive the world. There are four higher order (meta-) competencies that distinguish authentic self-leaders and that are developed on The LEAP Journey®. 

Existential Competence (i.e. being Life Smart)

The ability to pose questions and reflect on fundamental issues driving self-innovation by developing a mature ability to interpret the world and better understand other people.

Intrapersonal Competence (i.e. being Self-Smart)

Deep self-knowledge, that enables goal setting and positive decision-making for self-innovation.

Interpersonal Competence (i.e. being People Smart)

The ability to receive information and notice, interpret, and anticipate others’ concerns and feelings in the process of self-innovation, and to communicate this awareness correctly. Managing relationships effectively and building strong and supportive social capital.

Professional Competence (i.e. being Work Smart)

The ability to successfully execute self-innovation and to understand the impact of communication on the new future self, as well as the importance of acting responsibly in the process of self-innovation.

Evoking transformation through coaching

On The LEAP Journey® we evoke transformation through fundamental shifts at the level of our essence or being, not just shifts in the circumstances of our lives. When we experience these kinds of shifts, life flows far more effectively; while challenging circumstances become opportunities for personal growth and development. In fact, the more difficult the issue, the more we are called to become something greater than who we have been. 

In the information age, knowledge was power. However, knowledge was centralised and developing insights and expertise took time, resources, and knowing the right people. Today, applied knowledge is power. Workers who can turn knowledge into personal transformation gain a competitive advantage in the new world of work. Ideally, we are interested in moving to the next level of human development, as we continue to grow and expand our consciousness. We hope for a life that is more than simply managing a to-do list. We work at developing new capacities to navigate whatever life throws at us. For this, The LEAP Journey® has an option for coaching support – a thought partner – to evoke transformation that is dynamic, powerful, impactful and truly fulfilling.

Thinking like a designer

When you redesign something, you have to deconstruct it, and then reconstruct it again in a different way. On The LEAP Journey® we follow a similar approach which we call the 'Triple Diamond Redesign Process'. We first help you to understand your constructed self and delve deep to find the real and deconstructed authentic you. Then we help you to rebuild or reconstruct yourself by taking away hindrances and/or adding missing qualities, and through purposeful work, realise the best “you”.

Step 1: DISCOVER and DEFINE who you truly are

With this step (the first diamond), you gain an empathic understanding of yourself and of your present situation and motivation. You look deep and wide and set aside your own assumptions to discover who and what you really are. After analysing your observations you synthesise them to find your life’s purpose (your WHY) as well as identify those life dimensions that need work in order to live a truly fulfilling and relevant life.

Step 2: DREAM and DEFINE who you might become

This step represents the second diamond in which you envisage and build an image of your authentic future self (your WHAT), build capacity, and identify specific problems in the way of achieving this end. The overlaps between this and the adjacent design steps indicate that they don’t take place independently of each other, but that the insights gained from the one phase informs the next.

Step 3: DEVELOP ideas and DELIVER projects for finding the best way to leap and become your future self

In the third diamond, you are ready to start generating LEAP ideas. You’ve come to understand yourself and your needs in the Self-Discovery phase; you’ve analysed and synthesised your observations into a vision of your future self in the Self-Cultivation phase, and concluded with a list of specific problems that stand in the way of realising your future self. To solve the specific problems you will perform leap experiments (i.e. identify LEAP ideas and take on LEAP projects) to discover HOW to realise your future self or self-innovate.